Courtesy: Condé Nast

Under the Spotlight: Yanyu Cui

By Dora Fagan

Step into the spotlight with the captivating journey of Yanyu Cui!

Key Takeaways
  • Insights into Yanyu Cui’s inspiring career and achievements.
  • Learn from her experiences and the lessons she’s gathered along the way.
  • Discover what it takes to thrive in the spotlight of success.

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Discussing the festivities of the Lunar New Year, her involvement in GQ MOTY, and the brand’s forthcoming ventures in 2024, Yanyu Cui, the Creative Head North of GQ China, shares insights into her journey.

Could you provide some insight into your background and how you ventured into Condé Nast?

Condé Nast resembles an amusement park, where work unfolds like trying out various “attractions.” This encompasses innovative strategizing, videography, WeChat content curation, and Fashion Week coverage. Each endeavor resembles a roller coaster ride, where initial experiences are met with freshness and excitement, leading to progressive mastery with repeated engagements. The array of projects and experiences ensures a perpetual engagement, avoiding monotony.

How do you elucidate your profession to acquaintances and family?

I am employed with one of the most avant-garde corporations globally. My role provides a platform to showcase my expertise, reach a broad audience, and foster enriching relationships.

As the Lunar New Year approaches, how do you perceive this occasion, and what are your plans for celebration?

Typically, I am seldom allowed to spend quality time with my family. Thus, I intend to allocate ample time with my parents this Spring Festival.

Reflecting on the ancient year, which project stands out as a source of pride?

Undoubtedly, GQ MOTY. We set forth seemingly impossible objectives yet transformed them into tangible realities through ingenuity and perseverance. The sense of accomplishment is ineffable.

The conclusion of GQ Men of the Year in China in December 2023 marks a significant milestone. How does this event contribute to the brand’s trajectory and future endeavors?

Allow me to elucidate this query through three pivotal descriptors that are emblematic of the GQ team’s ethos.

Primarily “innovative.” Creativity is the essence of all content. GQ MOTY is a conduit for integrating a myriad of captivating concepts. We foster an environment where innovative ideas are promptly shared and embraced.

Secondly, “pioneering.” Throughout the preparation for GQ MOTY, our primary inquiry was, “How do we differentiate ourselves?” This sentiment permeated every facet of the event, from venue selection to red-carpet arrangements, videography, and live streaming. Our aim is not only to set benchmarks but also to establish precedents.

Lastly, “collaboration.” GQ boasts a formidable team akin to a closely knit family characterized by mutual support and trust. This synergy enables us to surmount seemingly insurmountable challenges. Being a part of this team is truly a privilege.

Could you explain your role in orchestrating the event and provide insights into future MOTY undertakings in China?

My primary responsibilities encompass creative direction and content curation for GQ MOTY. Throughout the event, we generated extensive visual content, including over a thousand photographs and short films, such as “No Time” and the “GQ MOTY Magic Night” micro-movie.

We harbor several exciting concepts for future MOTY events, but I am inclined to maintain an element of surprise for the forthcoming year!

Reflecting on your experience, what aspect of working on MOTY resonated with you the most?

The allure of the red carpet captivated me. It embodies a live spectacle fraught with unpredictability. We endeavor to orchestrate a seamless red carpet-experience through meticulous preparation. Before the commencement of the official proceedings, we conduct numerous rehearsals and simulations to refine lighting, positioning, and camera angles. Witnessing the gradual refinement of the red carpet with each rehearsal is immensely gratifying.

What can enthusiasts anticipate from the brand in 2024?

2024 undoubtedly poses formidable challenges, yet we remain steadfast in our belief that opportunities accompany challenges. In addition to GQ MOTY, we endeavor to produce an array of sports- and art-centric content for the upcoming year.

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“Embrace every moment in the spotlight, for it illuminates the path to greatness.” - Yanyu Cui