Courtesy: Bentley


By Antonio Perez

Discover how Bentley continues its commitment to environmental sustainability with the ‘Net Zero Plastic to Nature’ recognition for the second consecutive year.

Key Takeaways
  • Bentley’s ongoing dedication to environmental sustainability.
  • The significance of achieving ‘Net Zero Plastic to Nature’ recognition.
  • Impactful initiatives driving the reduction of plastic waste.
  • The importance of corporate responsibility in combating environmental challenges.

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SUSTAINABILITY: Bentley Motors earns prestigious nature recognition for its pioneering environmental efforts, celebrated as a testament to its commitment to the environment.

Courtesy: Bentley

Endorsement by the South Pole, a climate-centric organization, mirrors continual dedication to waste management and tracking methodologies.

Bentley Motors strictly manages plastic trash from its Crewe production location and prohibits landfill disposal.

Courtesy: Bentley

Bentley became the first automaker to receive South Pole certification in 2022 after successfully reviewing its waste stewardship.

Certification in 2022 aligns seamlessly with Bentley’s Beyond100 initiative to bolster ambitious environmental pledges.

Crewe, November 22, 2023— Bentley Motors proudly receives South Pole’s ‘Net Zero Plastic to Nature’ certification for the second year. This reaffirms Bentley’s commitment to environmental goals, from production to customer engagement.

South Pole’s 2021 study prompted Bentley’s thorough reevaluation of its plastic impact. This includes reviewing macro-plastic packaging, eliminating dealership plastic wrapping, and addressing micro-plastic spills from tire wear throughout the product lifecycle.

Bentley desires ‘Net Zero Plastic to Nature’ by 2022, recycling 97% of plastic waste with ‘Second Life Thailand’

Bentley Motors Manufacturing Board Member Andreas Lehe pushes ‘Beyond100’ premium automotive sustainability.Bentley’s ‘Net Zero Plastic to nature recognition shows sustainability.

Courtesy: Bentley

Lehe added, “In our Crewe production hub, we work with waste management partners to handle waste and reduce plastic use. This includes shrinking our textile car covers and partnering with Veolia to ensure appropriate waste management at our Crewe site.”

Bentley Motors Director of Production Planning Sebastian Benndorf said, “South Pole has again improved Bentley’s global plastic footprint understanding. The recent waste stewardship evaluation has afforded Bentley invaluable insights into our worldwide operations and their environmental ramifications. We remain resolute in our pursuit of Beyond100 objectives and the proactive mitigation of plastic waste concerns.”

Courtesy: Bentley

South Pole counsels leading corporations on their journey towards achieving net-zero emissions.

The Climate Solutions platform helps global businesses meet Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goal climate action goals.

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“We are honored to receive the ‘Net Zero Plastic to Nature’ recognition for the second year in a row, reaffirming our commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability.”