Courtesy: Bentley


By Dora Fagan

Step into the realm of philanthropy and environmental stewardship as the Broadening Bentley Environmental Foundation opens its doors to two new charitable organizations. Explore the commitment to sustainability and community engagement that drives Bentley's mission to make a positive impact on the world.

Key Takeaways
  • Witness the Broadening Bentley Environmental Foundation's dedication to broadening its reach and impact by welcoming two new charitable partners, amplifying efforts to address pressing environmental challenges and support communities in need.
  • Discover the collaborative initiatives and innovative projects spearheaded by the new partner charities, showcasing diverse approaches to conservation, sustainability, and community development.
  • Reflect on the transformative power of collective action and collaboration as Bentley's foundation joins forces with new partners to create meaningful change and leave a lasting legacy of environmental stewardship.

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SUSTAINABILITY: Blue Marine Foundation and Everwave embrace Bentley’s global sustainability thrust. Bentley Environmental Foundation seeks pioneering solutions to environmental difficulties and is a constituent of the company’s Beyond100 strategy

Declaration on World Water Day reaffirms opulent marque’s enduring dedication to environmental ventures and sustainability

Courtesy: Bentley

Foundation allies now amount to seven entities – encompassing four committed to water-centric causes

(Crewe, 22 March 2024) Bentley Motors today divulged two novels endorsed charities in the opulent marque’s worldwide sustainability thrust. Blue Marine Foundation and Everwave have united with the Bentley Environmental Foundation on World Water Day, the yearly event orchestrated by the United Nations to accentuate water’s significance and reasonable utilization.

Courtesy: Bentley

Bentley Environmental Foundation was introduced in June last year as a component of the company’s Beyond100 strategy. It has united with entities laboring on innovative resolutions to help rejuvenate the planet and the urgently required reduction of greenhouse gases. The Foundation has been collaboratively devising influential environmental undertakings with premier NGOs and charities advocating for systemic transformations that foster an equitable future for all, as well as propelling sustainable luxury, focused on the ameliorated sustainability of materials, crafts, and manufacturing processes.

These latest charities, Blue Marine Foundation and Everwave, elevate the number of NGOs and charities endorsed by the Foundation to seven, incorporating four dedicated to water-based causes, as eminent scientists underscore the pivotal role our waterways and oceans play in mitigating climate change.

ever wave purifies the environment: waste boats are deployed to avert refuse from infiltrating the oceans. Artificial intelligence aids in sanitation expeditions to identify and scrutinize waste.
The gathered material is subsequently recycled through ecologically sound methodologies, and furthermore, the populace is apprised of environmental concerns.

Additionally, the verdant start-up Everwave is collectively endorsed by the Bentley Environmental Foundation, the Audi Environmental Foundation, and the Ferry Porsche Foundation. The endeavor focuses on the capital city of Bangkok, where nearly 385 tons of plastic annually enter the sea. Under the aphorism ‘Building Bridges’, the partnership aspires to make a global vow to waste eradication.

The Blue Marine Foundation actively works to revive ocean well-being by confronting extensive destruction of life and habitats. Through the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs), tackling overfishing, reinstating pivotal habitats, and formulating models of sustainable fishing, their objective is to witness at least 30 per cent of the world’s ocean under effective protection by 2030 and the sustainable management of the entire ocean. The Bentley Environmental Foundation will be subsidizing projects in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, and Atlantic that institute and competently administer MPAs globally to incessantly safeguard extraordinary marine life and biodiversity in the oceans on which we all rely.

Courtesy: Bentley

Existing water-based initiatives supported by the Bentley Environmental Foundation include Sustainable Surf, a California-based organization that utilizes surfing to rejuvenate ocean health. Additionally, the consortium’s SeaTrees program is expanding mangrove tree rehabilitation efforts in Kenya, as well as seagrass and kelp planting initiatives in Portugal and Spain. These initiatives have generated over 1,000 local jobs, planted more than 200,000 mangrove trees, and restored 15,000 m2 of seagrass in Spain and Portugal.

The Rivers Trust is likewise a prevailing Bentley Environmental Foundation affiliate. The UK-rooted conglomerate of conservation virtuosos collaborates with farmers, government, and businesses to dispense counsel and resources. It aims to engender an untamed, wholesome, and natural river system for all.

Currently, the Trust is actively expanding its core team to pursue new environmental projects. Bentley has co-authored an environmental impact endeavor with Rivers Trust that centers on Valley Brook River at “The Home of Bentley” in Crewe, endeavoring also to encompass Bentley personnel on the ground.

The remaining extant partners in the Foundation are the Climate Group, toiling internationally with premier enterprises, states, and regions to furnish indigenous resolutions toward a realm of net zero greenhouse gas emissions and verdant policies;

Courtesy: Bentley

Project Drawdown, endeavoring to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of billions of pounds worth of environmental contributions and investments;

The Biomimicry Institute’s ‘Ray of Hope Fellowship’, which sustains change agents and eco-entrepreneurs who are discovering nature-inspired solutions to environmental difficulties.

Christoph Hohmann, Head of Brand Communications and accountable for the Bentley Environmental Foundation, remarked: “Bentley’s pioneering Beyond100 strategy has perpetually aspired to preeminence in sustainable opulent mobility. Launched less than a year ago, the Bentley Environmental Foundation is presently a pivotal buttress of that strategy, aiding to bolster trailblazers globally and discovering resolutions to the world’s most imperative environmental challenges.

Bentley envisions a future wherein sustainability will be paramount. Additionally, these exhilarating new alliances will enact projects with constructive, enduring impacts for the environment. Moreover, we recognize the pivotal role waterways and oceans play in mitigating climate change. Furthermore, we’re excited to announce four water-based projects, co-created with top NGOs and charities.

Clemens Feigl, CEO of Everwave, expressed: “We are exceedingly gratified to have Bentley onboard to bolster our mission. Moreover, as of today, we have extracted over 1.4 million tons of waste from waters. Solely in conjunction with our partners, can we realize this tangible impact and liberate the world’s rivers from waste.

Dan Crockett, Ocean and Climate Director at Blue Marine Foundation appended: “A robust ocean teeming with life could be a potent panacea to climate change. We are immensely appreciative to the Bentley Environmental Foundation for their endorsement in instituting efficacious marine protected areas in The Caribbean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the South Atlantic. We anticipate propelling momentous conservation impact from this generous contribution”.

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"As the Broadening Bentley Environmental Foundation welcomes two new charitable partners, we reaffirm our commitment to driving positive change and protecting the planet for future generations. Together, we can make a difference."