Courtesy: Bentley


By Dora Fagan

Explore how Bentley reaffirms its commitment to supporting the armed forces by engraving its signature on the Armed Forces Covenant.

Key Takeaways
  • Bentley’s dedication to supporting the armed forces through the Armed Forces Covenant.
  • The significance of Bentley’s continuous commitment to the military community.
  • Initiatives and actions taken by Bentley to honor its pledge to the armed forces.
  • The positive impact of corporate support for military personnel and their families.

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Bentley BEYOND100

This action symbolizes the steadfast dedication as an employer toward veterans, coupled with its endorsement of the Armed Forces Community. Active Reservists constitute a segment of Bentley’s population, with the subsequent phase involving the exploration of a more comprehensive talent reservoir for recruitment by highlighting opportunities—a pivotal step in realizing Bentley’s Beyond100 blueprint, encapsulating aspirations for diversity and inclusivity.

Courtesy: Bentley

(Crewe, 16th January 2024) Bentley Motors has formally ratified the Armed Forces Covenant, a nationwide proclamation to stand by the Armed Forces Community at the Crewe headquarters of Bentley, alongside representatives from the Ministry of Defence and Dr. Karen Lange, Board Member overseeing Human Resources. This marks another significant advancement towards Bentley’s aspiration to emerge as the epitome of a diversified and inclusive luxury automotive entity.

Courtesy: Bentley

Bentley is unwavering in its commitment to strengthening the armed forces community. It pledges to provide fair and respectful treatment to those presently serving or who have served alongside their families and ensure that they do not face any form of disadvantage within the organization due to their service.

Bentley’s ultimate goal is to become the favored employer for individuals transitioning from military service. The company is diligently working to achieve this goal by recognizing military skills and qualifications throughout the recruitment and selection processes and collaborating with the Career Transition Partnership (CTP) to facilitate the integration of Service leavers into the workforce.

Courtesy: Bentley

Additionally, the company extends its support to colleagues affiliated with the Reserve Forces and individuals serving as voluntary leaders in military cadet organizations by granting additional leave for annual training.

The Confirmation of the Armed Forces Covenant is just one of many initiatives Bentley is leading to support the local British Legion branch in the vicinity. Bentley also sponsors events such as Armed Forces Day, Reserves Day, Poppy Appeal Day, and commemorative activities during Remembrance.

Emma Humphries, Manager of Diversity and Inclusion at Bentley, commented: “By pledging Bentley’s allegiance and subscribing to the Armed Forces Covenant, we acknowledge the imperative of ensuring that our servicemen and women receive the recognition, support, and fair treatment they rightfully deserve. This represents a commitment to upholding the principles of unity, solidarity, and appreciation towards those who endanger their lives for our security.

“Participating in the Armed Forces Covenant goes beyond mere symbolism; it embodies a tangible step towards fostering a society that esteems and values the sacrifices made by our military personnel. It signifies a dedication to cultivating an environment wherein veterans, active-duty personnel, and their families are bestowed with the care, acknowledgment, and opportunities that are rightfully theirs.”

Courtesy: Bentley

Chris Cole, Director of Product Line at Bentley and sponsor of the internally-driven network BeReady for Armed Forces and Blue Light Services, added: “I take immense pride in supporting Bentley’s decision to embrace the Armed Forces Covenant. Veterans from the armed forces bring forth invaluable and diverse knowledge, experience, and dedication. We are incessantly seeking avenues to attract and retain the finest talents globally, and this commitment to the covenant is envisaged to underscore Bentley’s commitment to our existing veterans while beckoning others to contemplate a future trajectory with us.”

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“Engraving our signature on the Armed Forces Covenant is a testament to Bentley’s unwavering dedication to supporting the brave men and women of the armed forces.”